Unveiling Our New Studio: Elevating Your Tattoo Removal Journey

In 2012, Amanda McKinnon embarked on a journey that would change the laser tattoo removal industry in Adelaide forever. Amanda was inspired to step into the world of laser tattoo removal by her husband Kelly, a well-respected tattoo artist. Having a strong understanding of the ever-growing tattoo industry, the need for safe and effective removal and a wealth of business knowledge made the foundation that we know today as LaserTat.

LaserTat quickly gained popularity amongst those seeking tattoo removal and fading services. The demand for our expertise and care grew, leading to the opening of a second clinic located in Munno Para. This expansion marked a significant milestone to Amanda’s commitment to serving a broader clientele.

From the very beginning, the vision for LaserTat was based around values set by Amanda; an all-inclusive, welcoming and safe space for all clients and their tattoo removal needs, dedicated to client results and satisfaction. We are incredibly proud of our business and are always eager to stay at the forefront of tattoo removal technology. Did you know that we are the only clinic located in South Australia to offer both Q-Switch and Pico-Second technology?! This sets us apart from the other businesses within the removal industry, as we are able to laser tattoos with maximum effectiveness, having access to 3 different wavelengths.

LaserTat has become a trusted name in the laser tattoo removal industry over the past decade with a new vision in mind … a new location! Whilst we are sad to be closing our Munno Para clinic, we are very excited to bring our clients a single-purpose built destination designed exclusively for tattoo removal! So much care and dedication has gone into our new space to bring our clients the best possible results and experience. With multiple laser rooms and a beautiful asethic fit-out, we aim to instill a sense of calmness and relaxation for all our clients. The goal is to make every client feel at ease, knowing they are in a place that cares about their comfort and understands that having laser tattoo removal is no easy task. By incorporating multiple laser rooms, it will allow us to cater to a range of schedules and needs with access to both Q-Switch and Pico-Second technology.

Every detail of our new space has been well thought-out to the finest details. From warm lighting to greet you as you walk in the door and all the way down our grand hallway, to the use of cohesive colours and textured throughout the entire space. LaserTat has a reputation for excellence and now we have the clinic space to match. Our location at 234 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide is located right next door to our brother business, Black Diamond Tattoo studio only separated by a sliding door. Built in the 1800’s, our beautiful clinic internally pays respect to its heritage features, including high ceilings, original safe area and considered fit out.

On Saturday the 21st of October we officially opened the new doors in style! We celebrated with give aways, live laser demonstrations, food and drinks we had it all! We are grateful to each and every one of you for coming to celebrate this huge milestone for our business.


LaserTat’s new destination represents our commitment to excellence, comfort and client satisfaction. It’s a place where innovation meets compassion, and where clients can confidently embark on their tattoo removal journey. Our new clinic has a beautiful and calming environment, top-tier technology, and a team of caring professionals, our new LaserTat destination stands as a testament to our dedication to providing the ultimate tattoo removal experience.

Our construction journey began in April, and after dedicated efforts over the subsequent six months, we successfully transformed our vision into reality.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the skills tradespeople and dedicated staff who collaborated to bring this project to fruition.

We are absolutely delighted with our new space and the positive impact it will have on our valued clients. We’re looking forward to welcoming you all for your treatments at 234 St Vincent Street.